Our Mission

For decades our goal and mission have been to surpass excellence with our discriminating clients.

We pledge to you that we will exceed expectations with exceptional quality and lightning fast service.

If desired and agreed upon by the landowner (customer), We will move a professional crew of 3-4 personnel immediately onto your project, self sustained. 

They will stay with the project 24/7 from beginning to end utilizing their own resources. This method of management gives us the ability to start daily at sunrise with no travel, traffic delays or quitting early to get that extra hour of personal time. We are there to work as efficiently as possible and utilize our own Communication, Housing, Food, Water, Fuel, Power and Equipment. We are there to complete a project as fast as possible without exception. On days with inclement weather, personnel stay busy with layouts, dewatering, aggregate staging, land clearing or whatever can effectively be accomplished.

Where there is a will, there is a way.  

Mark Tafel
VP of Operations
Top Gun Top Dog Inc.